Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Great Indoors.

I had a freakout moment today because I looked at my syllabus and thought that my professor had his own personal grading scale and that I was failing that class. I sent him two desperate and humiliating emails. Only to find out later when I'm all teary-eyed and showing my syllabus that Josh that I'm a dumbass and totally not failing. In fact, it's just about certain that I'll end up with either a B or a C in this particular class just by doing decent the next, and last, few weeks of the semester. But seriously, I wish you could have heard the plop my heart made when it landed on the floor when I thought I was failing the class. Fun times.

For tomorrow I have to:
  • write a 10-page paper
  • write a 1-page extra credit paper
  • write 2 2-page extra credit papers
  • study for a test
Super awesome. I'm at the library right now, and I'm pretty sure I'm spending the night here, not only because I have so much shit to do, but also because....

...my kitchen ceiling started leaking yesterday and my whole kitchen was basically a kiddie pool this morning. I called the office twice yesterday, and twice they said someone was going to come figure out the problem and fix it. I went to bed and woke up, and still nothing! I was absolutely irate this morning when I called the office. They sent someone immediately then. Now my kitchen is still a big soppy towel-covered mess, and they tore up part of my carpet and have a huge fan thing sitting in between my kitchen and living room. Oh, and it smells like freshly mowed turd. I took a picture, I'll post it later. I'm most pissed that this could have been fixed before it became a big deal, but I'm also pissed because all the pictures and postcards I had on the front of my fridge got wet and probably ruined.

Surely, there's more to write, but this is hardly the time.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekend in Austin

Went to Austin with Jesse Friday and came back Saturday night. Had a lot of fun. Met his best friend Tasha and she is a freaking hoot and I already love her to pieces. We got trashed and went to a strip club and there was a hot stripper but I'm way too shy so Tasha got her for me and Jesse gave me $20 for some chat time and a lapdance, haha. Awesomest boyfriend ever. And I met his dad and he gave me a hug when we left. :) Happy Ashley. Now I just gotta get my shit together and end up the semester with good grades. So...very...sleepy....


Thursday, April 24, 2008

When I'm Grown Up I'm Going to Have These 2 Dogs.

King Charles Spaniel

Saint Bernard

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm Glad I Don't Have A Penis.

I had a freakout today because one of the classes I was registered for for this summer was cancelled, but I figured out another equivalent course I could take, so yay me. I have a shitload of stuff to do until the end of the semester. :(


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Goofing Off @ Work

I'm Princess Leia!

This one is actually pretty creepy....

Woo! I'm in New York!

This one is for Eric.

A tribute to James Dean.

This one's pretty creepy, too.

XOXO, Ashley

Friday, April 18, 2008

Womp Womp Womp.

I'm at the library with Jesse. We each have a paper due tomorrow. Suuucks.

Got my new computer and I love it to pieces. I video-chatted with Claire earlier. I'm really glad I decided to go Mac.

Here is a picture of me...right now...at the library, taken on my new MacBook:


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

God is Love.

Last night Jesse and I had a really long discussion/debate about God, religion, Truth, etc. It was intense and neat. I like having intelligent conversations with him that are NOT about politics. He knows way too much about politics, and I...don't. So I hate talking politics with him. Anywho, he's a neat kid.

Tried it out for the first time Monday. Didn't fall, but came close twice and grabbed Josh's arm, lol. I think he wanted me to fall, though. I should probably buy knee pads.

Very sleepy. Need to get some work done. :P Very sleepy. As of 8:16am my new Mac laptop is somewhere in Waco on a FedEx delivery truck. They're just waiting for me to leave so they can deliver it when I'm not here and have to leave a note. Fuckers. I can't wait to get it. I will take a picture for you, not that you can't see it somewhere online...but this one will be different because it's MINE ALL MINE! I need to remember to send Jason a thank you note. <3

Tomorrow is Diadeloso ("day of the bear") at Baylor. It's an annual no-school-playday. It's really kind of dumb, but who's going to argue with no school?

Love & Kisses,

Monday, April 14, 2008


Should I keep my bangs or grow them out?

Ashley is Le Pissed.

New Laptop
My new Mac laptop was supposed to be delivered today! But guess what! It hasn't even been SHIPPED yet! Ugh! Apparently since the billing and shipping addresses were different, the person paying for the laptop has to call and release the order before it can be shipped. Supposedly I should have gotten an email, but I got no email. I tried to have my shipping charge refunded because I chose 2-day shipping, which obviously didn't happen, but they fuckers won't send it 2-day shipping anymore if they do get rid of the charge! Ridiculous!

Cell Phone
My Razr has had a slowly evolving crack for a week or so now, and Friday it decided it just wanted to be two separate pieces. Yay. I don't get a free upgrade until June, so I had my grandfather send me one of my old cell phones...but he didn't send the charger! Ugh!

I'm pretty sure I've figured out who the culprit of the Yoga class farting is. Case cracked.

I have turned in my graduation card and fulfilled degree audit. I am now officially graduating in December (assuming I don't get a D or an F on anything between now and then).

Also, I am le super stressed, and as always, tired.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

When I Was Twenty-One, It Was A Very Good Year.

For the Bible Tells Me So
Amazing documentary. Very touching. I wish everyone could see this movie. Especially Baylor students.

January - Beautiful New Mustang
February - Awesome New Boyfriend
March - Found Out I Can Graduate in December
April - New Laptop
May - Get My Baylor Senior Ring
June - Get To Free Upgrade My Cell Phone

So far this is shaping up to be a very good year....


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Revision to Last Post

Someone just picked up my 7-9pm shift tomorrow; which means I only work 9pm-12am tomorrow; which means I can go to For the Bible Tells Me So! Yay!


Holy Procrastination, Batman!

Really busy, stressed, going crazy. Too much to do all at the same time. Got to study my ass off tonight for a test tomorrow and meet with one of my TWO group projects' groups.

I'm picking up all the shifts I can at work because my money's dwindling. Not like you think, I'm not nearing $0 or anything; but I like to keep at least $1000 in my account at all times, and if I go below that I get nervous. It's sad that I used to like to keep at least $4000 in it or I'd get nervous until I spent my life away in Spain 'cause of the pitiful-ass American dollar. Le sigh.

Killing Myself
So for a long time I've wanted to learn to skateboard or longboard, but a brand new longboard goes for anywhere from $130-200, typically. I noticed in the Marketplace feature on facebook last night that a friend of mine was selling his longboard, which was basically brand new, barely used, bearings and everything in great condition, only problem is some scratches on the bottom of the board from going over curbs, for $75. So I told him I was interested; then I asked if he'd go down to $60 (not unless no one would buy it at $75); then I thought about it all the rest of last night and today; and this afternoon I told him I wanted it. Bada bing, bada boom.

Also, I hate my bike. I love my single speed bike that I got in third grade; but I hate the piece of shit Schwinn mountain bike I bought when I came to Baylor. Riding it is the opposite of enjoyable. A few friends of mine work at the Waco Volunteer Bike Center, so I'm gonna see if I can possibly trade it in for a nice road bike instead. *fingers crossed*

I'm in a musical rut lately. I'm pretty sick of just about everything in my collection and ready for something new. In the meantime I've found a British singer called Adele who is keeping me entertained, but soon I will tired of her, too, so suggest some good music to me. Now.

In conclusion, can't wait to spend the weekend with my baby, and I'm probably going to horribly maim myself with my new longboard which I shall probably obtain on Friday. Woo!


Monday, April 7, 2008

I Can Make A Pussy Purr With A Stroke Of My Hand.

Cat Scratch Fever
I saw Ted Nugent today at Katie's Custard. Apparently he lives in Crawford, which is only about 18 miles outside of Waco. He was wearing the same hat as in this picture of him I found on Wikipedia:

Giving Back
I did some community service on Saturday with some friends from school. This is my and Jesse's take on the famous painting American Gothic by Grant Wood:

I guess I'm too tired and out of it for much else.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Come Into My Life.

Just registered for fall classes. Woo. Why the fuck do they have to make registration at 6am is what I'm wondering.

End of Semester Madness

4 - Meeting with Psychology Adviser
4 - Mythology Exam
15 - International Politics Film Paper #3 Due
18 - Personality Paper Due
22-29 - Research Methods Group Presentations
25 - Personality Exam
29 - International Politics Exam
29 - Psychotherapy/Counseling Clinical Writeup Due

1 - Research Methods Paper Due
1 - International Politics Book Review Due
8 - Research Methods Final
9 - Mythology Final
10 - Psychotherapy/Counseling Final
12 - International Politics Final
12 - Personality Final

And now I'm going back to bed.
